Sukriti - 2012: A National Essay Writing Competition - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Sukriti - 2012: A National Essay Writing Competition

Tulsi Edutainment Pvt. Ltd. is organising a National Level Essay Competition for Students of Class IX - XII as part of environment awareness campaign inititiated by the organisation to promote eco-friendliness among students.
Topic: "Challenges to Environment in Modern Age"
Medium: English or Hindi
A participant can register him/her self for contest by online registration form
available on our registration portal
After registration an online profile and id will be generated. This profile of
participation will have all details of the student.
Word Limit:Minimum 300 words and not more than 1000 words
Submission of entries:Online- email their entries to
Offline- send to Tulsi Institute Of Professional Studies
A-57, Shyam Mitra Mandal Nagar, Opp. Road No.5.VKI Area
Jaipur-302013, Rajasthan.
Last Date:Both online and offline entries should reach before 15 April, 2012 05:00 pm.
Evaluation of Entries:The individual entry will be judged on a scale of 10 which comprises 3 C’s
i.e. Concept (creativity and critical thinking) 3 points,
Content (clarity and coherence) 3 points and
Composition (writing style and linguistic proficiency) 4 points.
Result:Result will be declared on 15 August, 2012
An executive diary will be given to first 500 quality writers in each group
(class 9th to 12th) i.e. 2000 nos. in total.
“Certificate of Participation” - to each participant
All prizes will be sent to the school of the respective winner participants. They
can collect prizes from their schools only.
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