India@75 will be conducting the competition for designing the new logo of Roshni Project which promotes empowerment of communities and involvement of all stakeholders for building sustainable habitats.
The prizes and incentives for the winning entry
(a) Certificate of merit, presented by H.E. Smt Pratibha DeviSingh Patil, the President of India.
(b) Cash prize for INR 10,000.00 will be awarded to the winner.
(c) Opportunity to visit Rashtrapati Bhawan along with a teacher, who has mentored the student, from the school, for receiving the prize.
(d) Tour of President’s Estate to witness the Roshni initiatives on ground.
(e) Adoption of the winning logo by the Roshni Prachodya Society.Competition Guidelines
(a) Registration of entries opens from - 0800 hrs on 1 Feb 2012 to 2400 hrs on 15 Mar 2012.
(b) The jury will finalize the results by 15 Apr 2012. The prize distribution will be held thereafter depending on the availability of the winner and at the convenience of the President.
(c) A student can submit more than one entry.
(d) Eligibility – upto Class XII
(e) Logo can be drawn with crayons, water colour, sketch pen, computerized etc.
(f) Paper size for Logo is to be A5 (half of standard A4 photocopy paper) to facilitate posting by mail.
th (Studying as on 1 Jan 2012). (g) Entry must be accompanied with a small write up/ description of the theme for better understanding of the Jury.
I) Cover Letter (attached) to be duly filled up and countersigned by the Principal for correctness. Entry will be disqualified for incompleteness, false statement or discrepancy. Name of the teacher indicated will not be changed and the same teacher will accompany the student in the event of that entry being declared as winner.
Mr. Arun Chaube
India@75, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
249-F, Sector 18, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV,
Gurgaon – 122 015, Haryana, India
Entries submitted will have no Intellectual Property binding as the winning entry will be adopted by the Roshni Prachodya Society.
Participants are advised to visit the Roshni website - for a better understanding and designing of logo.Decision of the jury regarding selection of the entries will be final and binding to all. No dissents will be entertained. Winner along with a school teacher will be provided free travel to and fro Delhi for receiving the prize from H.E. Smt Pratibha DeviSingh Patil, the President of India.
Interested students of KV Kanjikode may contact the Librarian for further details and registration.
Interested students of KV Kanjikode may contact the Librarian for further details and registration.
Queries relating to the competition to be addressed to Team India@75 at
I think this is an excellent idea, personally...with stakes so high, the quality of these logos are gonna be soaring through the roof. I wonder how it'll all be judged!