Reach-A-Peak — a mega competition - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Reach-A-Peak — a mega competition, a product of 'Enlive Education' brings Reach-a-Peak 'a Mega Competition'. This competition is about making a new world of Geniuses. Through this means, the students who have entered into Grade X will be taken to a new horizon.
How ? They will be given 2 papers (one of average difficulty level and second of higher difficulty level) based on class IX curriculum testing their higher abilities comprising 4 subjects English Communicative, Mathematics, Science & Social Science. This competition will be conducted in 2 rounds (Offline & Online). The toppers will be rewarded and will also be given our product, Learning Management System (LMS) which will prove to be a landmark in their educational field.

Ist Step
Assent Letter will be sent to schools throughout the world and the same will be uploaded on for confirmation of participation in Reach-a-Peak 'a Mega Competition'. Schools can confirm us through fax/e-mail/post or any of the ways.
IInd Step
Those schools which have sent us the assent letter, will be sent a registration form, written (offline) examination paper. These will be sent through courier or by hand and the same will be uploaded on test will be taken by children and the schools will send 2 toppers paper after evaluation from the school teacher/authorities back to us for revaluation along with the registration form.
IIIrd Step
500 schools will be short listed and will be intimated that their child is one of the toppers among 10,000 schools. For the selected toppers, an online exam will be uploaded on which can be taken in the schools under the supervision of school teachers. Combined marks of offline and online test will be taken into account of the above 500 schools and 100 topper schools will be short listed again.
IVth Step
A lucky draw of these 100 topper schools will be taken out which will be uploaded on The 50 lucky students will be given awards. The awards will be :

1.   10 Laptops to top 10 students.

2.   Gift worth  3000 -  5000 in addition to LMS of all 4 subjects worth  8000 (approx.) to top       5 students.

3.   Gift worth  1000 -  2000 in addition to LMS of 2 subjects (combo) worth  4000 (approx.) to       top 35 students.

4.   All 100 topper schools will be given a certificate by Enlive Education.

5.   Appreciation certificate to 100 Toppers / Principals / Concerned Person (coordinator).

To download the Assent Letter and Register visit

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