Sahu Jain Trust Educational Scholarships - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Sahu Jain Trust Educational Scholarships

SMT. RAMA JAIN & SAHU SHANTI PRASAD JAIN Announces the 2012-2013 Need-cum-merit based EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS in the following categories
(A) Inland Scholarship for pursuing
(a) Technical Trade Courses including Computers and infotech.
(b) Professional Courses (like Engineering & Medical)
(c) Graduation, Post Graduation and other Courses.

Existing recipients of Scholarship will have to apply again for continuance.
Scholarship amount ranges from Rs. 150/- to Rs 1,000/- per month.
Last date for obtaining the application forms 20.7.2012
Last date for receipt of Completed Forms by the trust - 30.7.2012

(B) Overseas Loan Schoalrships : (For Higher Studies Abroad)

These are strictly for technical subjects to be undertaken by graduates/ post graduates in foreign countries. The loan amount is refundable in interest free soft instalments after completion of studies. Loan amount maximum upto Rs. 1,00,000/- lumpsum per selected student.

Eligibility: The students should be of Indian origin and have a uniformly brilliant academic record.
Last date for obtaining the Application Forms 20.5.2012
Last date for receipt of Completed Forms by the trust - 30.5.2012
Application Forms will be available free of charge or can be had by post sending a 9"x 4" self addressed stamped (Rs. 5/-) envelope to the Secretary, Sahu Jain Trust, 18, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003.

The details regarding the scholarships are available at

1 comment:

  1. sir i nishad anjum MBBS Rth year student from shadan medical college hyderabad., i applied for scholarship for sahu jain trust but so far no reply has been received whether am select or not if not send me the reason for future correction hope u will do the best for me


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