Symposium On Environment Protection -Manav Rachna International University - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Monday, 11 September 2017

Symposium On Environment Protection -Manav Rachna International University

A symposium on โ€˜Environment Protectionโ€™ is being organized by the Department of Chemistry, Manav Rachna International University on 10th October 2017 in B Block Seminar Hall, Manav Rachna Campus.
There will be Expert Talks by the speakers and students can participate in Paper Presentation (Poster/Oral) and Working Model presentation competitions.
Certificates will be awarded to all participants and Cash Prizes will be given to the winners. 

About the Symposium
Environment protection is the key component in achieving sustainable development. Many of the threats to the environment arise from the practices designed / adopted to make human life comfortable. Environmental quality in the future depends on our youth because they are future leaders and most skilled people in managing the environment. Our youth need to be well informed and educated about the environment they inherit, in order to meet the challenges of the sustainable development. Integration of environmental issues in classroom deliberations is the need of the hour. Real-life environmental problems should be discussed to motivate the students to propose solutions and take actions. 

To sensitize the students for protection of environment, a symposium on โ€œEnvironment Protectionโ€ will be held at FET on 10th October , 2017. The symposium will be very beneficial for students beyond syllabus learning. The aim is to promote environment protection awareness amongst students and also to provide the vital skills and knowledge necessary for the use and implementation of green technology. Interaction with experts will help the students to inculcate skills, attitude and values required to protect environment.
Students can contribute working models or papers (poster/oral) based on action oriented studies of environmental issues or finding out feasible solutions. The contributors will be judged on the basis of their idea, presentation, knowledge & explanatory skills. 

โ€ข Hazardous substances management
โ€ข Clean Technology
โ€ข Transformation of waste/residues to energy
โ€ข Conservation and management of natural resources
โ€ข Benign bio fuels
โ€ข Occupational hazards
โ€ข Bio-monitoring and Bioremediation
โ€ข Agrochemicals usage and impacts
โ€ข Food waste management

Venue: B Block Seminar Hall, FET, MRIU.
Timings: 09.00 AM โ€“ 12.30 PM

For further details you may visit and for any query, contact Dr. Jyoti Chawla, Head of Chemistry Department, Contact no. 9971918040/8527043183.

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