Physical Research Laboratory Ahmedabad is offering 2nd Summer Training School on Planetary Sciences & Exploration (STSPSE-2020)
Scientific experiments (payloads) are being developed to be flown on various planetary missions by ISRO for the studies of sub-surface, surface, atmospheric and interplanetary processes. For effective utilization and modeling of copious data from these missions, we are organizing the 2nd summer training school for two months, to introduce the participants to techniques of planetary science data retrieval, analysis, its modeling and instrument development for planetary missions.
Selected participants will be provided II AC train fare, accommodation and fellowship of Rs. 12000 p/m for local and food expenses.
Ph.D students, PDFs, young teachers and M. Sc. final year students (Physics/ Geology/ Geophysics/ Space Science/ Atmospheric Science/ Earth and Planetary Science and allied fields), may apply online, by uploading their detailed CV and a one page statement of purpose.
Last date for receipt of applications: 10 April 2020 23:59:00 hrs
Contact: Prof. Varun Sheel, Course Director, STSPSE-2020
Email: stspse[At]prl[Dot]res[Dot]in
NOTE: Due to the current situation on COVID-19, any changes to the school will be announced at the appropriate time, as per the Government advisory on health.

Scientific experiments (payloads) are being developed to be flown on various planetary missions by ISRO for the studies of sub-surface, surface, atmospheric and interplanetary processes. For effective utilization and modeling of copious data from these missions, we are organizing the 2nd summer training school for two months, to introduce the participants to techniques of planetary science data retrieval, analysis, its modeling and instrument development for planetary missions.
Selected participants will be provided II AC train fare, accommodation and fellowship of Rs. 12000 p/m for local and food expenses.
Ph.D students, PDFs, young teachers and M. Sc. final year students (Physics/ Geology/ Geophysics/ Space Science/ Atmospheric Science/ Earth and Planetary Science and allied fields), may apply online, by uploading their detailed CV and a one page statement of purpose.
Last date for receipt of applications: 10 April 2020 23:59:00 hrs
Contact: Prof. Varun Sheel, Course Director, STSPSE-2020
Email: stspse[At]prl[Dot]res[Dot]in
NOTE: Due to the current situation on COVID-19, any changes to the school will be announced at the appropriate time, as per the Government advisory on health.

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