1000 Girls, 1000 Futures STEM Mentorship Programme - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

1000 Girls, 1000 Futures STEM Mentorship Programme

New York Academy of Sciences, one of the oldest scientific institutions in the world, is offering a free,  STEM mentorship program for high school girls from around the world. The Academy is committed to helping young women foster their skills and connect with other like-minded women in a safe, friendly, online environment.
The New York Academy of Sciences invites young women ages 13-17 around the world to join 1000 Girls 1000 Futures to receive mentorship from female STEM experts, gain access to college readiness and leadership coursework, and network with other girls passionate about STEM!

1000 Girls, 1000 Futures is a groundbreaking initiative designed to engage young women interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and advance their pursuit of STEM careers through mentoring and 21st-century skills development.

How does it work?

1000 Girls 1000 Futures empowers young women to learn independently and work collaboratively on Launchpad, the Academy’s unique online learning platform. On Launchpad, students complete the coursework at their own pace and apply their skills to work on different projects with their peers. Mentors are available to guide students throughout the program, from navigating the college application process to setting career goals.
The program starts September 2021 and ends June 2022.

Who can apply?
Young women ages 13-17 around the world can apply. The following are the conditions to apply.
Age: 13–17 years old.
Location: Anywhere in the world.
Language: All program content and communication on the platform is in English, and a strong level of English proficiency is required. Students’ English proficiency will be assessed during the application process.
Time Commitment: Students will complete the coursework at their own pace and set their schedule to meet with the mentors during the program year from September to June.
Cost: None. 1000 Girls 1000 Futures is completely free for participating students.

Important Dates
Application Opens: April 12th, 2021
Application Deadline: July 31st, 2021
Decision Notification will be sent by mid-September 2021

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