Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation is organising a Logo Contest for the students of Palakkad District on December 5, 2015.
Theme: Soil: The Basic Element of Life (เดฎเดฃ്เดฃ് เดീเดตเดจ്เดฑെ เด เดിเดธ്เดฅാเดจ เดเดเดം)
Eligibility: Up, High School students
Logo in one page and essay maximum five pages.
Submit your entries along with the certificate from the Head of the school to the Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation Office before December 1, 2015 04:00 pm.
Contact: 0491 2505860
Theme: Soil: The Basic Element of Life (เดฎเดฃ്เดฃ് เดീเดตเดจ്เดฑെ เด เดിเดธ്เดฅാเดจ เดเดเดം)
Eligibility: Up, High School students
Logo in one page and essay maximum five pages.
Submit your entries along with the certificate from the Head of the school to the Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation Office before December 1, 2015 04:00 pm.
Contact: 0491 2505860
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