6th School Level Painting Competition 2015-16 - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Thursday, 26 November 2015

6th School Level Painting Competition 2015-16

Govt. of India Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Central Ground Water Board Guidelines for 6th School Level Painting Competition 2015-16 The 6th Painting Competition is being held among the students of 6th, 7th and 8th
1. The school level competition for the students of 6 standard across the country in three stages, namely, School, State and National level. The State level winners and National level winners will be awarded cash prizes. th, 7th, and 8th
2. School Principals are requested to organize painting competition of 2 hours duration at their schools. standards has been initiated in all the States/UT’s.
3. Drawing materials for the school level would be provided by the schools/ students and no expenditure in this regard would be borne by the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation /Central Ground Water Board.
4. Paintings may be made preferably on A4/A3 size paper, though there is no restriction on type/size of paper, paints, crayons, water colour, etc.
5. The themes for the painting competition area. Stop River Pollution b. Nirmal Nadi c. Contamination of Ground water with Arsenic and other contamination issues.
6. All paintings must contain the following details at the back of the drawing sheet – Name of student, class, section, school, full school address, father/mothers name, telephone number of school and parents, mobile number of school and parents, E mail ID, if any and signature of Principal in the following format. Name of the Student Father’s/Mother’s Name Tel/Mobile No. of Parents Standard Roll No E-mail ID of Student /Parent (if any) School Name & Address School Located in Urban/Rural School Tel No /Mob. No./Email State/UT Signature of the School Principal
7. Paintings not signed by the school Principal or sent directly by student/parent to the Nodal Officer will not be accepted.
8. The Regional Director/ Head of Office/Officer- in-charge/ of the Regional Offices/Sate Unit Offices of CGWB are Nodal Officers for the painting competition for the State/UT’s under their jurisdiction.
9. Three (3) best paintings are to be selected from each school and the same are to be forwarded to the concerned Nodal Officer of CGWB. The selection of the three best paintings from each school is to be done by the respective school authorities.
10. The School Level Painting Competition is to be concluded by 30th November, 2015.
11. Each school will submit list of participants to the concerned State Nodal Officer.
12. Use of collage/patchwork will not be permitted in the paintings

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