National English Olympiad 2018 (NEO 18) - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Sunday, 5 August 2018

National English Olympiad 2018 (NEO 18)

The 'National English Olympiad (NEO)' is organised by 'English Emperor'.
The Olympiad would be held in multiple categories so that the students are compared with other students from the same level and a proper ranking is obtained for assessment purposes. The test would comprise of a wide range of questions that would evaluate the students on various parameters. Students would be given a 'Ranking Certificate' that would state their national rank among all the students that would appear for the test in their respective category.

Category 1 - Classes 5th and 6th
Category 2 - Classes 7th and 8th
Category 3 - Classes 9th and 10th
Category 4 - Classes 11th and 12th

Registration charges :  Rs. 400

How to Register
The students can directly enrol for the Olympiad on the organiser's website. There is no need to register through school

Test Pattern
The duration of the test would be two hours and it would commence exactly at 10 AM. The test would end at 12 Noon. Thus, the students would get exactly two hours to answer 100 questions.

Syllabus for the test
Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuation;
Vocabulary, Spellings, Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, Idioms, Homonyms and homophones;
Tenses, Modals, Determiners, Active-Passive Voice, Direct/Indirect Speech;
Conditionals,  Collocations, Phrasal verbs, Prepositional Phrases, Participle Phrases;
Jumbled Sentences, Similes, Metaphors.

Rewards for Top-Rankers
Rank 1
National Level
Full Scholarship to any two of the courses run by English Emperor;
Special Rank Certificate - Gold;
Permanent mention on English Emperor website in 'Emperor Section';
Special English Emperor Study Kit - Gold
Rank 2
National Level
Full Scholarship to any two of the courses run by English Emperor;
Special Rank Certificate - Silver;
Permanent mention on English Emperor website in 'Premier Section';
Special English Emperor Study Kit - Silver
Rank 3
National Level
Full Scholarship to any one of the courses run by English Emperor;
Special Rank Certificate - Bronze;
Permanent mention on English Emperor website in 'Master Section';
Special English Emperor Study Kit - Bronze
Ranks 4 to 10
National Level
75% Scholarship to any one of the courses run by English Emperor;
Special Rank Certificate - White;
Special mention on EE website for a year in 'Super Achievers' Section';
Special English Emperor Study Kit - Advanced
Ranks 11 to 50
National Level
50% Scholarship to any one of the courses run by English Emperor;
Special Rank Certificate - White;
Special mention on EE website for a year in 'High Achievers' Section'
Ranks 51 to 100
National Level
25% Scholarship to any one of the courses run by English Emperor;
Special Rank Certificate - White;
Special mention on EE website for a year in 'Achievers' Section'

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