World of 7 Billion Student Video Contest 2019 - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

World of 7 Billion Student Video Contest 2019

Global population challenges are real. Make a video to share your solution.
Win cash prizes by creating a short video on a global challenge impacted by population growth. All middle and high school students are eligible to enter. Information on the 2019 contest is available now.
Create a short video – up to 60 seconds – about human population growth that highlights one of the following global challenges: Preserving Biodiversity, Sustainable Resource Use, Protecting Human Rights.. All videos must include:

a) how population growth impacts the issue

b) at least one idea for a sustainable solution.

Consider narrowing your focus by concentrating on a subtheme within your topic. Possible subthemes include:

Advancing Women and Girls -access to education, gender equality,
women in government, women’s health, child marriage
Feeding 10 Billion -hunger, food waste, resource and energy use, deforestation, pollution
Preventing Pollution -impacts on air, water, and land, climate change, human and wildlife health, ecosystem destruction

Deadline for submissions is February 28, 2019.

  • All entries must be a digital video.
  • Each entry must focus on ONE of following global challenges as it relates to population growth:
    • Climate Change
    • Ocean Health
    • Rapid Urbanization
  • Students may work together in groups or submit entries as individuals.
  • The length of the video should not exceed 60 seconds (one minute), not including the 10 second title screen (see #5).
  • All entries should begin with a 10 second full-screen “title screen” that includes the following information:
    • Lead Producer’s name
    • School name
    • School city, state
    • Title of video
    • Total running time (not including the 10 second title screen)
  • All information presented in the video must be cited, giving credit to the original source. Plagiarism of any kind will result in disqualification. IF CHOSEN AS A FINALIST, you must submit a list of your sources, properly cited.
  • Each video must have one Lead Producer to serve as the main point of contact. Recognition and prizes will be given to the lead producer and all those listed as co-producers on the entry form.
  • There is no entry fee.
  • Entries may be submitted through the website starting on September 1, 2018. The deadline for submissions is 5:00 pm (eastern time, US) on Thursday, February 28, 2019. Winners will be announced no later than Tuesday, May 8, 2019.
  • All entries must be submitted in digital format.
  • No copyrighted materials (music, images, etc.) may be used for this contest unless you own the copyright or have a license to use the material for this contest. Written permission must be obtained and provided upon request for all copyrighted materials.
  • No professional assistance is allowed. Adults may assist with production but are limited to verbal guidance only. Adults are allowed to be actors or cameramen but not content contributors.
  • All portions of the online entry form must be completed when you upload your video for it to be eligible.
  • IF CHOSEN AS A FINALIST you must submit a signed/completed Parent Permission Form and a signed/completed Actor Release Form for each person appearing in your video. Forms can be scanned/emailed to:; faxed to 202-332-2302; or mailed to: World of 7 Billion contest, 2120 L Street NW #500, Washington, DC 20037.
  • Content must comply with all local and national laws of the country of origin and the United States. Content must not 1) promote illegal behavior; 2) support racial, religious, sexual or other invidious prejudice; 3) advocate sexual or violent exploitation; 4) violate rights established by law or agreement; 5) invade the privacy of any person; or 6) be otherwise inappropriate as determined by Population Connection in its sole and conclusive determination.
  • The judges’ decision is final. Entries will be judged by topic, with winners in each of the three global challenge areas: Climate Change, Ocean Health, and Rapid Urbanization. Decisions will be made based on the World of 7 Billion Judging Rubric.
  • The only compensation for submitting a video is the opportunity to be awarded a prize if the entry wins. Population Connection will pay filmmakers no additional compensation nor be liable to the filmmaker under any circumstances.

Awards will be presented as follows:

Challenge: “Advancing Women and Girls”

High School
One (1) First Place: $1,000
One (1) Second Place: $500
Two (2) Honorable Mentions: $250

Middle School
One (1) First Place: $500
One (1) Runner Up: $250

Challenge: “Feeding 10 Billion”
High School
One (1) First Place: $1,000
One (1) Second Place: $500
Two (2) Honorable Mentions: $250

Middle School
One (1) First Place: $500
One (1) Runner Up: $250

Challenge: “Preventing Pollution”

High School
One (1) First Place: $1,000
One (1) Second Place: $500
Two (2) Honorable Mentions: $250

Middle School
One (1) First Place: $500
One (1) Runner Up: $250

Further details like Judging Rubrics, FAQ Click here

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