Topic: "My novel solutions to Global Warming"
Students of Class XI and XII
Last date: 11 November 2018
- The essay competition is to sensitize the young minds, on striking environmental issues
- The essay should be original and handwritten on A4 sheets with a maximum word limit of 1000
- A maximum 15 students can participate from an institution
- Plagiarism not encouraged
- Novel solutions for two or three environmental issues to be discussed in the essay
- Registration form can be downloaded from the college website www.kristujayanti.edu.in by clicking the link "Green India"
- Registration Fee: INR 250 per participant. Payment to be made through DD drawn in favour of "The Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru"
- Registration form should be attested by the Principal/Head of Institution
- The essays should be accompanied by duly filled registration form and DD
- Winners will be announced on college on 7 January 2019
First Prize : INR 10, 000
Second Prize: INR 7, 000
Third Prize: INR 5, 000
Ten special prizes
For details contact: Dr. Dileep Francis, Asst. Prof., Department of Life Sciences
Mobile: +91-9605603260, E-mail: greenindia2018@kristujayanti.com
Please results of class 6