Ingenio 2017 - Crystal Academy - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Ingenio 2017 - Crystal Academy

  •  Students of Class 8, 9 and 10 of both state syllabus and CBSE can attend the examination.
  •  Only those students who seriously wish to pursue study of Science in their Class XI & XII need apply.
  •  Registration can be done either by online or offline method before 15.12.2017.
  • Visit for online registrations.
  •  After registration, the student will receive a confirmation sms on the registered mobile number.
  •  Hall ticket can be downloaded by the third week of December. You will receive an sms when the hall tickets are ready to be downloaded.
  •  Affix a recent colour passport size photograph of the candidate on the hall ticket. Signature of the parent and the candidate is mandatory on the hall ticket.
  •  Be present at the venue of the examination on time. The examination slot allotted and time of reporting will be specifically mentioned in the hall ticket.
  •  Examination will be held at New Cristal Academy, Tharekkad, Palakkad on January 13th, Saturday.
  •  Bring only blue or black ball point pens, admit card and writing pad to the examination hall.
  •  Participation certificates will be distributed to all those who attend the examination through their respective schools.
  •  The question paper will be of objective type with four options for each question out of which one is correct with two hours duration. There will be 100 questions from the respective syllabus of each class. The subjects of examination will be Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Mental Ability.
  •  For state syllabus candidates the question paper will be in both English and Malayalam.
  •  The merit list of successful candidates of Ingenio 2017 will be displayed in the official website of New Cristal Academy only and the candidates will be informed of the publication of results by sms in their registered mobile numbers .
  •  The merit list will be displayed in the descending order of marks and in case of a tie candidate having more marks in Mental Ability, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology respectively will be considered.
  •  What you get
For Class 8, 9 and 10
Rank 1Rank 2Rank 3
Cash Award10,00075005000
Scholarship100% fee concession on our Courses for one year.

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