All India Citizens Development Centre - All India Colouring & Handwriting Competition 2017-18 - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

All India Citizens Development Centre - All India Colouring & Handwriting Competition 2017-18

'Akhil Bhartiya Nagrik Vikas Kendra' a prestigious national institute has organising various competitions every year for school children not only to inculcate and promote good habits and build confidence in them but also tyring to make sensible, imformative and proper citizens. The children of today are the citizens of tomorrow, and hence all round development of a child is very important.

Eligibility: students studying between std. K.G. (Jr. & Sr.) to std 10th.

Colouring Competition
This competition is conducted for the students studying between std. K.G. to std 10th. It is conducted in three groups. Each group is having separate drawing (picture) for colouring. Colour a photo copy (xerox) of drawing (picture) as per the group you qualify for. Any medium (water colours, pastel crayons, sketch pens, coloured ink, ball pens, colour pencils, poster colours) can be used, singly or in combination.
Handwriting Competition
In this competition the students studying between std. K.G. to std. 10th can participate. A participant is required to write down any paragraph from text book in his/her own handwriting either in English or Hindi. (K.G. students can write English or Hindi alphabet). Std. K.G. to std. 3rd students can use four lines ruled paper and std. 4th to std.10th students can use single line ruled paper.
1) Every participated student will receive an attractive and colourful certificate of participation.
2) Every participated school's the-best-hvo students will receive "Kala Bhushan Award 2017" for their excellent colouring and two students will receive "Kala Vibhushan Award 2017" for their excellent handwriting. Total four awards will be awarded to every pariticipated school. For that minimum 1 oo students participation for each competition is necessary (Quantity of awards may be changed according to the total number of participation and the quality of colouring & handwriting). Each award contains certificate of merit and medal
3) A teacher/The Principal who will give large number of response in this competition will be awarded 'Active
Teacher Award 2017' (Memento & Certificate), The Principal will be awarded 'Active Principal Award 2017' and school will be awarded 'Active School Award 2017' (Memento & Certificate).
Cash Prizes :
Colouring Competition : 1st~ 7000/-, 2nd~ 5000/- & 3rd~ 3000/- (for the best 3 colouring- All India Level)
5 consulation prizes~ 1000/- each) for 5 excellent colouring.
Handwriting Competition : 1st~ 7000/-, 2nd~ 5000/- & 3rd~ 3000/- (for the best 3 handwriting-All India Level)
5 consulation prizes(~ 1000/- each) for 5 excellent handwriting.
Entry Fee:
Entry fee is~ 40/- per student per entry. (Entry fee will be separate for Colouring & Handwriting Competition).
Entry Fee is to be paid in the form ofD.D. or M.O. (Money Order). Send D.D. of any Nationalised/Private Commercial Bank. D.D. can be drawn on the name of "The Director, Akhil Bhartiya Nagrik Vikas Kendra:' Payable at Aurangabad (Maharashtra) only.
Send Colouring & Handwriting entries (papers) along with entry fee D.D. or M.O. receipt (photo copy), Registration form and their list before 17th November 2017 by Post or Courier to 'The Director, Akhil Bhartiya Nagrik Vikas Kendra, "Vikas Bhavan", Plot No. 102, Raigadnagar, N-9, CIDCO, Aurangabad- 431 003 (Maharashtra) India.'

Result will be declared on 19th January 2018
If you are instrested to participate in this competition then please contact to
the office mobile no. +91-9822822392 or email on email id:

Click here for the circular, entry form and colouring pages


  1. Where is contact number of organisers

  2. Can a child participate on an individual basis or does it have to be through the school only? Kindly respond. Thanks.


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