Painting Competition on Energy Conservation 2018 - Scholarships and Contests for Indian Students

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Painting Competition on Energy Conservation 2018

The Ministry of Power in association with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is undertaking the National Awareness Campaign 2018 to inculcate in children the habit of energy conservation and to sensitize them towards the issues of energy conservation. One of the main activities of the campaign is a Painting Competition for school students.

The competition is being held in three stages namely, School, State and National Levels.

Eligibility: Students of 4th, 5th and 6th standard under Group ‘A’ and students of 7th, 8th and 9th standard under Group ‘B’ are eligible to participate in the competition.

1. The schools are requested to organize a Painting Competition of 2 hours duration in the school for students of 4th, 5th and 6th standard under Group ‘A’ and for students of 7th, 8th and 9th standard under Group ‘B’ on any working day.
Students can select any one of the following topics for the Painting Competition:

Topics for Group ‘A’
  •  Energy is Life, Conserve it
  •  Saving Energy, a bright Idea
  •  Saving Energy for sustainable life
Topics for Group ‘B’
 Save Energy for others
 Conserve Energy, Save Nation
 Wind, Water, Sun, Energy for Long run

School Level Painting Competition
 School Principals are requested to organize painting competition of the 2 hours duration for 4th, 5th & 6th standard students under Group ‘A’ and for 7th, 8th & 9th standard students under Group ‘B’.
 Students can use any size of paper but preferably A4 size and painting material such as pencil, colour pencils, crayons & water colours. Students can select any one of the above mentioned themes marked for their Group for painting.
 School principals will select 2 best paintings from each Group ‘A & ‘B’ and send them along with the information on number of students participated in each Group at School Level Painting Competition to the Nodal Officer of the State/UT whose address is given below so as to reach him by 26th October, 2018 positively.
 All participants will be issued certificate of participation.

State Level Painting Competition
 50 (plus 5 reserves) best paintings each for Categories ‘A’ & ‘B’ will be selected by a Committee of Experts/Jury.
 Selected students from categories ‘A’ & ‘B’ will be called for two hours on-the spot Painting Competition to be held on 14th November, 2018.
 Each participating student from Categories ‘A’ & ‘B’ will be paid 2000/- in cash and a participation certificate.
 To & fro Sleeper class / AC Chair Car / 3rd AC rail-fare or State Roadways bus fare for the participating student and two guardians for Group ‘A’ but only one guardian for Group ‘B’ will be reimbursed.

National Level Painting Competition
 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners of State Level Painting Competition of the Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ from each State/UT will be invited to Delhi to participate in “National Level Painting Competition” to be held on 12th December, 2018.
 Boarding & Lodging, to & fro sleeper class / AC Chair Car / 3rd AC rail-fare or State Roadways bus fare by the shortest route for 108 participants and two guardians of Group ‘A’ and 108 participants of Group ‘B’ along with one guardian will be reimbursed. In addition, each participating student will be paid a sum of 2000/- as incidentals and given a participation certificate.
 National Level winners of both Groups ‘A’ & ‘B’ will be awarded cash prizes by the Chief Guest on the “National Energy Conservation Day Function” to be held in Delhi on 14th December, 2018.


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